Saturday 16 April 2011

Last Year Review

Well I did say that I would write, bet you didn't believe me! This last year has been a particularly difficult one for me. One of my best friends has been deprived of her Son, her Mother and her Brother-in-Law through death. It was my privilege to stand by her and to take both her son and mother's funeral services - tough though they were. I really admire her strength and resolve in the midst of one tragedy after another , but it has made me question many things about the God I trust and believe in. It is fair to say that for a time I felt far from God at many times, but I know that He has been there throughout all that has happened. In July last year my mum had a fall and broke her hip and ended up in Northampton General (she was going on holiday at the time) - she recovered well from that, but in January 2011 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Again questions were asked by me, but my God answered my prayers and has brought her through with tremendous healing. It was my turn next to be diagnosed in October last year with Gallstones - I went through the system very quickly and was meant to have keyhole surgery - however this is me we are talking about, and when they began operating they found that my Gallbladder was not in a good state and stuck to other organs, so ended up having full surgery. The surgeon speaking to me afterwards saying that I shouldn't have been upright given my condition. However I believe that God helped me to continue His work right up to the operation, even though I was a bit of a grump at times! Also during this last year another close friend has been suffering from bowel cancer, and again questions asked - but again God has shown a path through for her and sustained and loved throughout, despite some setbacks along the way. This all sounds very morbid - did I also mention that I missed my daughter's graduation ceremony due to my illness?! :) I do believe, despite all my difficulties of the past year and my questions that God has been at the centre of everything I have felt and done - it is only through His faithfulness and forgiveness that I am back on track. I also give thanks to the close friends who have stood by me, loved me and prayed for me (you know who you are!) For those people who have supported me, without their knowledge, by their kindness, prayers and thoughtfulness in too many ways for me to mention. God is good and His faithfulness endures forever. I hold onto the promise that whatever life throws at us "Nothing can separate us from the love of God" and "God is with us even to the ends of the earth". God sees the big picture, whilst we only see a small part - trust Him and He will provide for all our needs whatever we go through. The real highlight of my year though was that my eldest daughter, Julia got married in March this year, to a wonderful young man called Joe. We had the most fantastic day, all our professionals did a most amazing job to make our day very special indeed.

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