Sunday 28 February 2010

Saturday Night

Well, what can I say, being called "Madam" and "Honoured Guest" amongst other things, like "spare Alison" and "Escort" "Consort" " bit on the side" - it was all meant as a bit of fun and I certainly joined in with the laughter and fun of the evening. Where was I? I hear you ask, well I was the guest of the President of the West Ashfield Rotary Club, namely Mike Redshaw attending his Charter evening at The Derbyshire Hotel.

It was a great chance to get dressed up and go out for a lovely evening, of good food, friendship and wine of course! I freely admit to really enjoying myself and was very warmly welcomed by everyone present, including some people I did know, but it felt like a group of friends and didn't feel like an outsider at all and that is thanks to the wonderful people who are part of the Rotary Club. Helping others is something at the very heart of my own passion and to hear of the work being carried out by the club was wonderful to hear.

So my thanks go to everyone involved and attending that made my evening so enjoyable, and special thanks also to my "partner" for the evening, Mike - who scrubs up very well in his bow tie and dinner suit - not a croc in sight - whooppeee!

Tuesday 23 February 2010


Life doesn't always go to plan! One minute we are living life only to find the next minute we are facing difficulty in many different formats.

Being a Christian doesn't mean that we won't face difficulties in life, in fact the road is tougher in many ways as we struggle to live out our lives the way God showed us to. But the fact remains, whatever difficulties we face in life relationships, health, money, loss etc., we have the reassurance that God travels with us through it and that He is the rock on which we stand, which we cling to in times of difficulty.

The old hymn, What a Friend we Have in Jesus reminds us that whatever difficulties we face we should take it to the Lord in prayer, that is the reassurance we have in our Lord Jesus that we have been given a way to the Father through Jesus. Our lives are made richer and blessed because of the sacrifice Jesus made, and our relationship with Him is to be built upon and strengthened through prayer. Therefore in tough times and good times we should give him the praise and thanks for He is the greatest friend we could ever wish for.

Sunday 14 February 2010


This weekend has been very relaxing for a few reasons:

1) Our youngest daughter was staying with a friend over the weekend, and
2) For the first time in a long time, I had no services to prepare or meetings to attend on Sunday!

Stuart and I have spent quality time with each other, even though it meant shopping, tidying kitchen cupboards and cooking for the majority of the time - but there was no pressure to do anything and it has been lovely.

The best time spent was in church on Sunday morning, spending time with God before the service, letting his Holy Spirit fill me and refresh me and also to equip me for the week ahead. Although it was great to spend time with Stuart it was even better spending time with God. Our lives are so busy we forget to put time aside to let him come and dwell within us and to show his love for us. As we open ourselves up to him and seek his ways our lives are made richer, our relationship with him grows and develops and most of all that we sense God's great love for each of us and how special we are to him.

If we do nothing else this week, let us try to put some time aside to reinvite, or even invite God into our hearts and deepen our relationship with him.

Thursday 4 February 2010


This week has been a tough one for me - 3 days, 3 funerals all very different, all special in their own way and all paying tribute to people who have achieved so much in their lives. Some of those achievements spread over many years and in the case of Matt spread over a short life.

This week was my first for flying solo in taking funerals and although tough, my first one being of a very special young man. I feel honoured and priviledged that my friend asked me to take the funeral for her son, and indeed began to understand the trust placed in me and my faith to take on such a task. Standing side by side with someone in their grief and loss is a priviledge, something I had not understood until recent months but through all of this we grow and develop and learn something of God's great love for each one of us and how important it is to share our faith in any way we can. The touch of a hand, the comforting arm, the prayers offered the cup of tea offered, the listening ear are valuable skills that we can all offer to ease the suffering and distress of those around us.

We are reminded that all life is precious to God and that we should all endeavour to ensure that we take every opportunity to share and show the love of God and to celebrate life with each other.

My prayers this week are for all those who have lost a loved one and all those who face illness and distress in any way. May you know the peace of God in your hearts.

Monday 1 February 2010

Please hold my friend Anna and her family in prayer on Tuesday at 12pm as we hold the funeral of her 21 year old son Matt.