Thursday 20 May 2010


It is some time since I wrote on my blog for those who follow my musings. I have no excuses other than busyness!

But as I reflect on what I have achieved, well in my eyes probably not a lot, however I know that in God's eyes I have achieved an awful lot in His name. God works through us in many ways that we are not aware of, those things visible through the fruits of the Holy Spirit that as Christians define us, that blueprint for our living and witness.

As we reflect on the passage for Pentecost, often referred to as the birth of the church, the coming of God's Holy Spirit, let our busyness not get in the way of what God wants to achieve in and through us. How often do we leave God out of our lives? The Holy Spirit is our driving force - imagine trying to drive a car without an engine! The Holy Spirit is our guide, our inspiration our encourager, our helper in times of need - in fact He is all we need to live our lives - but we have to put Him at the helm and to set aside our own wishes and desires and let Him lead us in ways of righteousness and power according to His will.

Find a quiet place, give God time to speak to you as he spoke to the crowd on that day of Pentecost - pray this prayer and let Him lead you.

Come Holy Spirit as wind

Come Holy Spirit as fire

Come Holy Spirit and set us ablaze for you

Come Holy Spirit and transform our lives

I offer my life afresh to you

Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven